LuxPajamas Case Study

Helping a luxury pajamas maker grow sales and increase customer loyalty

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Background & Challenge

“LuxPajamas” specializes in “luxury sleep and lounge essentials and the pursuit of a comfy, casual lifestyle.” A maker of women’s pajamas in a very competitive market, the company wanted to grow sales, and also get a deeper understanding of their customers, and learn how to increase customer loyalty and grow incremental sales. While the company wanted to send more emails, their marketing team was run by generalists who weren’t experts in email marketing. At the same time, the company had been given very aggressive revenue goals from management.

Ryzeo Solution

After analyzing the client’s requirements, Ryzeo implemented an Agency Services model to help LuxPajamas scale. The first step was to create a strong popup that captured their brand. 

After researching the business, Ryzeo helped build a series of strong, on-brand popups that converted at 3-4%:

Over a several year period, LuxPajamas was able to grow their email list to nearly 200,000 emails.


Ryzeo also helped them build out a series of triggered email automations around browse abandonment, cart abandonment, post-purchase and others. Each of these automations had copy customized to the company’s brand and style. 


Ryzeo implemented our product recommendation AI system. For all automations that showed the customer a product they had viewed, it would also show three other recommended products based on that customer’s browsing history.

Email Campaigns

For email campaigns, Ryzeo worked with LuxPajamas to build stylish, high quality responsive emails using images created by the company and built out by Ryzeo:


Ryzeo helped LuxPajamas achieve some incredible numbers in email automations:

  • Open rate: 72%
  • Click rate: 28%
  • Conversion: 18%

Overall, Ryzeo helped the company increase email sales to 24% of total revenue.

In that same time, by helping Lux rapidly build and send email campaigns, the company was able to significantly increase their business.  Lux’s campaign emails achieved an open rate of 40%, and click rates of 5-7%. The share of sales from email campaigns grew to 37%, helping Lux add hundreds of thousands in new sales.  Over that same time, their totall sales also grew nearly 4x from where they started.

Lessons Learned

Ryzeo helped LuxPajamas make over $3.5m in email sales, and send over 100k emails. Over that time, we learned a few lessons about what drives sales in the luxury fashion industry:

  • Overall, campaign emails can outperform automations if enough emails are sent out per month
  • Emails need to have high quality graphics and design to perform well
  • A Personalized Product Recommendation system can increase sales from 8-20%
  • High quality, branded designs for popups increases the submission rate
  • Welcome series made the most sales, mainly due to having 3x more sends than any of the other email automations.  Roughly 70% of the sales came from the first email in the series
  • The abandoned cart series had the highest conversion rate (as we might expect) of 18%, but tied for 2nd place for total sales, because of the lower volume of email sends
  • Browse abandon also came in at 2nd place. Despite only having a conversion rate of 10%, it had roughly double the number of sends as cart abandonment.

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