A comprehensive package that combines Ryzeo’s software with expert consulting services – we offer two pricing tiers (Standard and Premium) depending on your business needs
Email marketing optimization
Optimized messaging, template design, and newsletter content for stronger engagement.
Product recommendation widget installation
driven product recommendations across your site to maximize conversions.
Automated product recommendation emails
AI-driven blasts tailored to dynamic or static product recommendations.
Cart abandonment workflow enhancement
Improved cart recovery workflows, including cross-sell and re-engagement automation.
SEO consulting for category pages
Keyword optimization and technical improvements to boost search engine rankings.
Includes all Standard features, plus
Online reviews & user-generated content program
Strategy to encourage customer reviews and leverage them for increased brand credibility.
AI chatbot integration for real-time support and conversions
Real-time customer support via an AI-driven chatbot,
improving customer service and driving conversions.
Other additional services as needed
Unlock the power of targeted email campaigns for consistent revenue growth. Enjoy a 3x ROI guarantee and a risk-free trial to see real results.